Ghost_rider, I would like to caution you about going to far afield here, else you get lost. You can if you like, but many of these people have(or have heard)very sophisticated systems. If you get too confused, I would suggest you go with manufacturers advice(adding any experiences listed, or reviews to the mix), and maybe try lowering it very, very slightly and see if it improves the whole record. Since analog is so enjoyable, there is no rush until you actually hear what anti-skate does. I believe if records improve, you had too much anti-skate. I'de like to report a little on my VTF findings here. I believe that(since I started with too much VTF) as I lowered it, atmoshphere appeared, but the main thing VTF does has to do with getting the bass correct. BTW Ghost_rider(and this has nothing to do the VTF comment),that Eichmann Express interconnect's strong point is the bass, I believe(I own one.).