Micro Benz S Class cartridges

Does anyone have firsthand knowledge about the new Benz line trending toward the more detailed or "brighter" side and away from their historic grainless, neutral musicality? Are they following a trend to create "presence" at the expense of tone?
My main reason, other than the recommendations of others, for trying the MintLP tractor is that my VPI jig never seems to lay flat on the platter. I'm thinking the glass tractor should lay flat and I'll trust my results more. It should also be easier to visualize alignment with the mirrored surface. I have nothing against VPI's method at all. I just don't trust my particular jig. Sorry Ebush. I didn't mean to turn your thread into another tractor dicussion. I will report on the results of this alignment method with the Benz LP.

although the latest Benzs are more neutral than in the past I wouldn't characterize their historical sound as neutral, more like big bottomed and rich. There are certainly more neutral cartridges with cleaner bass.
I appreciate all your comments about the S class. Appears that vta is a defining issue on tonal balance. If anyone logs onto this thread with more data points on the S "evolution" it will be welcome.
Ebush..not true. I am using my Ebony LP with a VPI 10.5i. This arm is extremely easy to set VTA, change, and reset. I find that changing VTA has minimal effect with this cartridge...however. finding that exact VTF makes all the difference. When found, the picture snaps into perfect focus. No the lows are not pronounced...however, it's very easy to follow the bass line. One of the things this cartridge does so well is that extraordinary clarity throughout the frequency spectrum. The lows contribute mightily to the event - they are rhythmic with remarkable stopping power between the notes. The highs are silky sweet...but oh that midrange. You get this extraordinary accounting of the performance plus a huge wide and deep sounstage. I also had an Ebony high output, and it was nearly the same..really very little difference, once I found that magic VTF. I encourage anyone with a Benz ( I don't know their lesser models- but experiment) to experiment with the VTF.