Acoustic Signature Turntables

Has anyone else experienced any problems with their Acoustic Signature turntable? In particular, I have had major issues regarding the Alpha power supply and related customer support and so just thought I'd look into these problems more widely.

Thanks for your input
I can't believe this thread! I paid Gunther directly several hundred dollars through PayPal (so it's traceable) early 2007 for a second armboard and a record clamp for my Final Tool. He conversed with Thom Mackris briefly about making sure the new armboard would match the TriPlanar tonearm Thom was selling me, then - BAMMM! - NOTHING SINCE! I emailed the guys at High-End Palace once about Gunther taking my cash and scramming, but they never replied (fair enough, they're not his daddy). As a strange coincidence, within the last month I thought my motor had broken, but now I wonder if it's the power supply. I'm so over Gunther stiffing me, I've about decided to move on to another table, but it's a shame, it's a very good machine when it works.

Sadly, your tale is not unfamiliar to me. I have no end of trouble sorting out my third and, spare, fourth armboards from Gunther. Story is that he has had serious personal problems, including a divorce to contend with.

On the bright side, the rumour is that he has been bought out and so the business side should now hopefully run as well as the engineering side. If anyone (Audotor) knows anything new, please share.
I just received a tt from them. No troubles at all. Gunther was facing the discussion and their service/support was top notch, althought sometimes they don't reply fast as a lightstorm. To make it explicit, over 10 mails we exchanged 80% of them was responded in 1 hour time and the other two with one day timeframe. This sounds quick to me.
Hy guys,

let me introduce myself. I am the new owner of Acoustic Signature Otto Hanak. Beside the problems we had in the past i would like the opportunity to offer you a quick and reliable solution to your pending problems. Send me an email to with a brief description of your problem and i will do my best to solve it. I will put AS back to the old strength using the old staff and new ideas and i hope for your support as most of the owners of an A table are more than happy with it.
best regards
Hi Otto,

And many thanks for this very useful update. I am sure that more minds than mine alone have been set to rest and look forward to a long and rewarding relationship with all at Acoustic Signature.

Wishing you every success in the coming years