Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?
First thing VPI need to do ,is get rid of the motors they use and especially the silly RUBBER DRIVE BELTS.

Stiltskin,isn't the Raven One using a rubber belt as well? Can you run the Raven with strings or tape?

The issues of belts is a controversial one. Both the Raven AC I heard as well as my DPS use rubber belts. The DPS has a different drive system with a friction bearing, that puts a constant load on the rubber belt and removes some of the belt problems.

Otherwise, I agree with the above - I haven't heard a VPI that can touch either one (owned a Scout, heard Scoutmaster, Aries 3, HRX).
I am currently experimenting with 1/4" mylar tape. I am quite surprised with how much more bass, microdynamics and increase in soundstage you get with this.

One might analogize and say rubber belts are the MP3 of the drive belt world: lossy. Mylar belts simply don't stretch and the economy of energy really shines through. There is an epiphany reached when hearing a table driven with a Mylar belt for the first time - it comes so much closer to 15 or 30ips open reel analog tape that it suddenly makes rubber-driven tables sound squishy and dopey, especially in the areas you mention: LF dynamics and control, microdynamic contrast and tone color.

I would never go back to a rubber belt driven table so profound is the difference. Good listening,

I don't know the Raven that well...I only heard it once in an unfamiliar system. I was just wondering however, if anyone compared the Raven to the VPI rim drive. I do know that the rim drive moves the VPI to a much higher level. I know Raven owners are very proud of their turntables, however, I am interested in an unbiased comment...if such a thing exists.
Palasr Richard,

Epiphany is the right word. I didn't want to oversell the concept. Many listeners in Europe feel that TW spent alot of time researching belt materials so I didn't want to be too harsh but the reality is that the performance gap is quite astonishing. I have a Digistrobo on its way to me so I can fine tune the speed. Right now I am playing CDs to try and match the pitch by ear.