Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
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I use the Disck Doctor brushes to apply the cleaning fluids, but use a carbon fiber brush to apply the 2 rinses. My thoughts are that the carbon fiber brushes retain less junk and get down deeper into the grooves. What do people think? - Any other suggestions? One other thing I have been thinking about is when using reagent water (which is what I use), does the water really get down into the groves given there is no surficant.

On an unrealted point, the other night I cleaned a bunch of records with the Perfection steamer, but forgot to unplug it. i realized I left it on 3 days later. Thank goodness nothing happened (I assume there is some sort of protection built into the unit), but just a warning to people out there.
All Perfection users heres the answer to the lead question. A response from the lab using the phone number on the box stated that lead is in the power cord as Tvad mentioned but not on the outside, as long as you dont chew or cut and rub the inside of the cord on you no problems.

Cohnaudio i also use Disc Doctor Miracle cleaner. Along with Nerl lab water for the double rinse i use in my cleaning method. I use VPIs nylon brushes the one they include in there 17 machine. I believe using this brush in my rinses i'm getting the water to the bottom of the LP grooves. I can see a wake in front of the brush as the LP turns on my 16.5. By the sound i am now getting i would say that a double rinse is a must for the best in sound from a cleaned LP. I guess you have done the longevity test with Perfection glad you remembered to unplug when you did.
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