Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Peak is a popular brand (like Prestone). You should be able to get it at most any decent auto parts store.
The 5 gallon Nerl water of which you speak looks exactly like what I've been using in my perfection steamer. It works great and I do trust it's purity much more than the distilled water I was using before. I also use it to rince off and clean brushes and vacuum tubes when finished and as the mix for the Disc Doctor fluids. A 5 gallon container lasts months so I think it's worth the extra cost. I use the more expensive reagent grade water for the final vinyl rinces though. This is all working for me very well. YMMV.
Guys im not working for Nerl Diagnostics so i have no financial interest. I just made my second order last week the first lasted almost a year. 2 cases of Nerl ultra pure reagent grade water in 1 pint bottles 6 per case for less than 40 bucks delivered. I use a double rinse to boot. To me when you go to all of that trouble to get the best sound from your lps bust your butt and spend your time 40 dollars is a easy buy for me. And for my ears not only does steaming contribute to superior vinyl sound that ultra pure water rinse is a very important part of the process also.
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Tvad you are a very funny guy. Maybe you should think about a comic carer. Ha Ha laugh laugh.

I was posting the way i rinse lps as you have so read with a more than wise cracking response.

BTW FYI i use distilled water in my steamer and for the first rinse. But you probably all ready knew that.

Im quite sure the way you clean lps is by far the best and only way others should go about it right. In case i missed it just how do you clean your lps?