Hi Mike, I know steam from a kettle or iron will burn you, and definitely make a record bend--have you ever seen those bowls-whatever they make from vinyl? A friend gave me one as a Xmas present, I wasn't that impressed. So, I'm not sure what you are using to steam with, but steam in general is fairly hot, and I wouldn't chance it on my vinyl. Maybe your steam is more like a soft mist? like a vaporizor?
Hell no to the second question, you should see some of the whacky things I have done for the quest of better sound.
I've treated boards with larch varnish for better sounding walls, I've bolted birch boards on my wood floors to give a more secure footing for my speakers, I've spent zillions of hours auditioning equipment and cables. I've tried all sorts of room treatments. I think I've done more than a little for my positive returns. lol
I'm a little younger than you.
So, do you steam or clean? Ah, I see you have a vpi cleaner. If still using, what cleaning fluids? and what have you tried?
Keep on that positive train....