Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Alan I've been using disk doctor cleaning fluids. Vpi 17f brushes
With my 16,5 record cleaning machine. The rcm is not necessary as a
Lazy susan works well for spinning your records. And as doak
Mentioned steamers are available. Good luck and let us know
Your progress.
I'm new to audiogon and have relatively recently started steam cleaning LPs that look like they should play better then they do after using my Nitty Grittty.
I have noticed that after steaming when I play the record the needle seems to gradually pick up a tiny fur ball of a light white appearing material-which comes off easily but as it gathers it affects-poorly-distortion-of the sound. After removing the fur ball and playing over the area again I can usually get to enjoy the record as it is as clean as it will be.
What is this fur ball?
Weirdly if I steam the record again another fur ball will form-usually a somewhat smaller one. I've done this 4 times on one LP and gotten 4 fur balls.
And this happens on multiple records usually relatively clean ones.
Any ideas?
the other possibility is using tap water in your steamer. It can through salts on the record. Been there done that. The best water is ro or double distilled. Less solids and less contamination
This is something i started doing recently and it has helped with LPs that have a lot of grunge and dust on it. Before you do anything pass the steamer across the LP and vacuum up before you put a brush to the record. This will get a majority of the dirt and funk off the record surface before it gets scrubbed into the grooves. This has almost eliminated the fuzz ball phenomenon on most records and also helps for a even quieter playing record..