Phono preamp advice please, newbie to TT

Hi all, I am getting into Vinyl , it is the the last step in my 2 channel set up.
My existing components are ARC ref 1 pre , ARC VT 130 SE amp,Cary306/200
cd player , Sansui modded TU-717 Tuner. My speakers are the Wilson Audio Witt.
Power conditioner is a BPT ultra 2.5 (20 amp). Cabling are tara labs air 1 and speaker cables are Acoustic Zen Hologram II. I just bought a Musical Life Jazz TT, I will be installing an Origin Live Silver MK III, my cartridge I am not sure yet but it will be a MC type.Here is my delimma , should I buy an ARC PH3SE tube phono pre? or should I be looking for a solid state phone pre? I have heard that tube phono pre's are noisy with MC cartridges??? Please advise me what phono I should be looking for with my equipement , feel free to name some. Calling
all experts.
Graham Slee is the direction I am going. Yes SS is usually qiet and yes tubes are frequently noisy. Read my comments above in the Supratek post. I think SS is easier to manage than tubes in a phono stage. And I am a tube devotee-
You may want to research Hagerman,Ive heard nothing but praise from folks using the Cornet MM phono stage.
AR PH3SE is the way to go, as I did. Sweet sound and service, if needed, is still available at reasonable prices. MC's, if below .5v will need a step up, otherwise it will work if you have the right resistor loading. Check out the sales on e-bay for latest pricing and then buy from a 'goner'.
I have a tube phono pre (Herron) and it is dead quiet. I do not know about other tube sets but I have had 3 SS phono preamps and I like the tubes best.
