Cartridge mV questions

Hi everyone,
why do MC cartridges range from ( eg.) .15 mV to 4.0 mV. Is there advantages
of having lower or higher mV's ?? Please explain .........
Usually, the low output cartridges have a low output because they have fewer turns of wire in the coil. Fewer turns mean lower mass in the moving parts (can respond more nimbly) and also lower electrical resistance in the coil. The big tradeoff, is that the phono stage has to have more gain to compensate for the lower output.
Lower voltage (ie lower compliance) cartridges will match best to tonearms with more mass to produce a resonance frequency below audible (20 hz or so) which is desirable for smoother response. Higher voltage matches to lower mass tonearms for same purpose.

I think I have this right. If I screwed it up, someone please let me know.
Larry, thanks I totally get that, makes sense.

Mapman, that's interesting, my Clearaudio Unify 9 has an arm mass of 9.
I am not sure what it means, does someone know if 9 is a high or low mass
and what mV cartridge would suit it best????

Dear Mapman/Slates: The resonance grequency subject is something where the cartridge output level has nothing to do about, the resonance frequency is a measure to try a better tonearm/cartridge match where the tonearm effective mass, cartridge weight and cartridge compliance are taking in count to determine the resonance frequency that ideally has to be at 10 Hz but is very good between 8-12 Hz.

Larry reference: +++++ " Fewer turns mean lower mass in the moving parts " +++++ , is a different " figure " that means that a cartridge with lower mass moving parts it will be a better tracker but almost nothing to see with the tonearm/cartridge resonance frequency.

Regards and enjoy the music.