The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I spent a year trying speakers. I compared Wilson Watt/Puppy, WAMM, Grand Slam, JMlab Grand Utopia, B&W original Nautilus, Goldmund Apologue, Goldmund Epilog, Apogee Diva, ATC 100 passive and active, Faber Extrema.
At that time the Goldmund Epilog had the most accurate timbre, was fast and did not boom. I really wanted the Nautilus but saved up for Epilogs and have not regretted it for a moment. I have heard horns that are a touch more dynamic but coloured. Otherwise I still haven't heard better, they are still available...
Hi there,I have Osborne Epitome speakers with bass bins,these speakers are something else.They easily blow off B@W 802 fs speakers I still have,and just seem to get better with better gear added.
the martin logan clx with two martin logan descent i subwoofers is the finest speaker system ever designed for classical music . this speaker system when driven by very high powered tube amps ( like two vac 300.1a in monoblock mode ) reproduces the most revealing natural and convincing classical music regardless of price and design . the clx with descent i subs is the only speaker system that properly recreates the sound of a grand piano . no other speaker design yet attempted comes anywhere close to the clx with descent i subs when playing recorded classical grand piano music . ( caveat : i have not heard all speaker systems on earth but none of the super high priced designs that i have heard - except the clx / descent i - gets the grand piano right because they are simply too large ... while these overwrought overpriced behemoths would certainly best the clx / descent i subs when playing rock or jazz or other over driven drivel , why would anyone want to subject their ears to that kind of torture ? )
Given the cost is no object approach, I'd expect these to be the best:

Exotic Speakers

Start saving your pennies people!