ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.

The hierarchy of ZYX models (by price) is:

Airy 3
Airy 2
R100 Fuji
A zillion lower priced models you didn't ask about ;-)

All of the above use the same microridge stylus (contrary to Dan_Ed's statement), as do all ZYX models above the entry level Bloom, which uses a less costly elliptical.

All five of the above can be ordered in either Low Output (.24mv/4 ohms) or High Output (.48mv/8 ohms). There's no price difference. As I reported here (and tipped off Arthur Salvatore after I saw his unenthusiastic writeup of the HO UNIverse), the LO models substantially outperform their HO brethren. The superiority of the LO is so great that, on my advice, Mehran does not even stock HO UNIverse or Atmos (not sure about the others). Footnote: ZYX uses a non-standard test record that produces cartridge output specs much lower than what other cartridge brands would report. To get a comparative spec or for phono gain calculaton purposes, you have to multiply a ZYX output spec by 1.42, so .24mv becomes .34mv and .48mv becomes .68.

All five of the above can be ordered with gold (G), silver (S) or copper (X) coils. There's no price difference. Mehran stocks the copper and some silver, gold is special order. For all models, copper is fastest, least bloated, most natural, most revealing. Silver is slower, somewhat smoothed, a bit Koetsu-ish. Gold is slowest, quite smoothed, quite Koetsu-ish.

All five of the above can be ordered with no extra weight (cartridge weighs ~5 oz.), silver weight (SB, cartridge weighs ~9 oz.) or gold weight (GB, cartridge weighs, um, MORE than 9 oz.!). The SB costs extra, the GB costs even more. Mehran stocks the SB, GB and weight-less are both special order. Which is best depends on the tonearm. For a ZYX, the ideal setup is tonearm eff. mass + weight of cartridge + extra weight (if any) = 22-25 grams. A popular and very successful combo is TriPlanar + ZYX with SB, which works out to 11 + 9 = 20g. A bit light in theory but excellent in practice.

BTW, Oscilloscopium's theory that a ZYX likes a lighter arm because it's light itself is incorrect. Not correct in theory and not the best combo in practice. An unweighted (5g) ZYX will perform best on an arm with an eff. mass of 18-20g or so, which is nobody's idea of light.

For sonic comparisons of Airy 2, Airy 3, Atmos and UNIverse, read the reviews beneath my signature.


P.S. For interpretations of Redtop and his comments, see Dan_Ed!
I stand corrected! Thanks Doug. I sure thought that only the UNI had the micro-ridge. That is very good information to have if one ever considers a retip other than from ZYX.
Thanks, Doug, for your usual thorough and knowledgeable comment. It was your praise of the Triplanar cum UNIverse that got me started thinking about ZYX, since I use a Triplanar, too. From what I've read at the Sorasound site and above, it would appear that I would be happiest with an Atmos or UNIverse. I'm also attracted to the Airtight PC1, Dynavector DV1s (or Tae Kaitora or 17D3), Transig Orpheus, Lyra Titan. In the end, it's a bit of a crapshoot once you get into the high end of cartridges. (I have other tonearms that might accomodate some of these other cartridges.)
Doug,excellent post......I find the info quite interesting,even though not owning any of the ZYX line.Typically extensive tid-bits of useful info.

I originally thought you'd post sooner,but you must be getting ready for RMAF!!My "main" point,actually....so....

Of all the products or subjects you've spoken about in the past,I've really never been envious of "any"....

----Until NOW!!!----

BOY,do I wish I could find a way to get to Denver,this time around!!Especially after "this past year".

A close friend is lucky enough to be going,but my home needs a new paint job,amongst other things(like a not too distant wedding for my daughter)....Priorities,priorities.

Anyway,this is as good a time as any to say have a ton of fun!Take it all in,because before you know it,you'll be shoveling snow in Connecticut -:)

I agree with what Doug says about comparing ZYX Cartridge output of ZYX, versus other common brands.

This was at least my personal finding, comparing a Benz Ruby 3, at .34mv, to the Airy 3X, at .24mv output, in that they were very, very close, with the Benz appearing to have ever so slightly more gain, to be almost indistiguishable.

Of course, my previous post was a comical tongue in cheek, which I'm sure everybody took as such.

In this hobby on these various forums, there will always be those who will be proponents, detractors, axe grinders, who have agendas in which no matter how good a product may be, they will of course have a differing view. And they are entitled to such, if I feel thier findings are truthful experiences.

But, of course, without substantial evidence-proof to support such claims, this then is an easier matter to sift through which is fact, and what is fiction, and that is what most of us "try" to do in these forum's posts.

Although I haven't sampled other ZYX Cartridges to be a personal judge of thier worth-value, I've basically concluded from reading what many countless others have posted about thier various ZYX Models they've owned, that the ZYX Brand is one that deserves-commands respect, as truly outstanding Cartridges very worthy of consideration of any serious Vinylphile.

I conclude that ZYX will have an offering that will at least at minimum "compare equally", but more than likely will "favorably best" any other brand within a like price range. Although ZYX are not "cheap" Cartridges by any means, I see them as an extremely good value for the monies spent. My Airy 3X will NOT be coming out of my system anytime soon.

And I'll vouch again for Mehran, as being the very best man in the business to deal with. They don't come any better than him. Mark