Is your image centred?

I am giving up on my old Analog rig soon!
The image on most of my disk is not centred! Some shifted to the left, some shifted to the right!! Yet, some are dead centred!!! WHY???
My rig:
Thorens 125 mark2
SME 2009R
Otofon MC20 Super, Grado Prestige Gold
Antiskate is almost literally in these cases like a balance knob... I have heard it on the fly while an album plays as my table will allow for it and I can pan left and right like sitting in a car with the fader or balance knob! But again this is very difficult to adjust unless you have a table with an actual device built into the arm to do so, many just have a fishing line with a lead weight hanging off the back of the arm...

I have found the lower the antiskate gram weight the more to the left the image shifts, the higher the skate in grams the more to the right it pulls... Could be opposite on some tables but I doubt it.

To say the least I thought I had some really in-balanced classic rock and new albums especially some of the beatles and zeppelins, now 99% of anything I throw on the table after finding the correct antiskate have played pretty much dead on equal DB from each channel.
Have you tried a mono LP? Now, that should be centered image. Use a simple production, uncomplicated one, such a a single voice or instrument. There are also test records for center channel.
If I mislead sorry, I have set it to "ONE" setting and it plays them all fine now, not setting each album everytime..
LUNA: Take it from me, please, if you dwell on this past due diligence you will spoil your pleasure. Do whatever you can, with yourself and your chosen experts, to make your rig as good as it can be. Past that there is a point of no return where it ain't about the music at all anymore, and that will not be satisfying or fun on any level. Do what you can, and project your mind into that off center image as if it were the whole of space. It is all mind anyway....
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