Dynavector cartridge upgrade decision

I can't resist upgrading. I prefer the sound of my Dynavector 20XL over the Shelter 501MkII that I originally had, so I'm thinking to stay within the Dynavector line.

I know that an XX2 would be a good value upgrade, however I'm worried that I'd still have the upgrade bug after that so I'm considering the Te Kaitora Rua or (gulp!) the XV-1.

From reading historical posts and Dynavector's site, I'm getting the impression that the highs on the XV-1 may be more analytical versus the 'silk-like treble' of the Rua. I'm searching for both detail and lush-ness so I don't want something 'dark' sounding.

Can anyone describe the sonic differences between the two? Is it a matter of system synergy, or personal taste?

My equipment: VPI Scoutmaster w/sig JMW 9, SDS, Aesthetix Rhea Signature phono stage, ARC Ref 3 preamp, Theta Citadel 1.5 amps. Speakers are Aerial 9s but will be soon auditioning Vandersteen 5As.

Thanks in advance.
Interesting, I have the exact same dilemma facing me in upgrading with my Scoutmaster and Dyna 20XL. At this point I've mostly decided to go with the Te Kaitora, it seems from the few reviews I've read, the Kaitora is more harmonically developed than the XX2, it is also more affordable for me than the XV-1.
I had the Te Kaitora Rua before switching to XV-1s. I don't know why, but I got a more silke like treble from the XV-1s, I had expected the opposite to happen, but it didn't. I bought the Te Kaitora Rua first, because I was told it would sound bolder and sweeter than the XV-1s. Could have been just my Te Kaitora Rua, I don't know.

I recommend the XV-1s highly (and I have had quite a few cartridges).
Dear Madfloyd: I agree with the people that support the XV-1 and like everything the performance is almost always system dependent specially on the tonearm and Phonolinepreamp.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I too believe the XV-1S is one of the true reference cartridges that you'll probably never upgrade from. (I have no plans on upgrading from this cartridge, after having tried four other cartridges in as many years.)

Good Luck!