Phono Cable Suggestions?

Hello all:

I'm in need of a phono cable (DIN to RCA's with ground cable) as my Bolder Nitro bit the dust for the second time and I'm tired of messing with it.

Any suggestions on a quality cable with good build quality>


I third the Stealth Hyperphono...great cable, transparent, yet musical.

A excellent Phono cable is XLO Phono Signature (Copper) and the one from Audioquest LEOpard with 72vDBS (silver)
Dear Dave: An open question like that give you a " thousands " of answers like " thousands " of cables are out there.

I try several tonearm/phono cables over time looking for a neutral one and not for a cable that compensate for deficiency somewhere in my system, after many cable test I stay ( for a while ) with three cables: Harmonic Technology, Analysis Plus and Wireworld ( the two formers are silver/cooper blend conductors and the other full cooper ).

Today I'm using either the Harmonic Technology and the Analysis Plus that I find are cables that IMHO does not introduce almost any " signature " all over the frequency range leaving to pass the cartridge signal with out almost any alteration/change, for me this kind of neutrality is a must to have/try in a tonearm/phono stage to preserve in a better way the integrity of the delicate cartridge signal and to know/discover too if everything is fine on the system performance.

I don't like the cables ( anywhere ) that are out of neutrality, I don't like any cable that " help " to compensate errors somewhere in my system, of course this is only my opinion and like almost always is system dependent and according to our know-how level and priorities.

Regards adn enjoy the music.
Hi Raul . . . do you find that certain cables are better suited to certain cartridges . . . i.e. having low capacitance being critical with high-inductance MM cartriges, etc. etc.?

Also, have you a preference for shielded-twisted-pair versus plain coaxial types? And for shielded-twisted-pair . . . have you experimented with connecting the shield to channel cartridge negative, or turntable ground?

Any specific experience you have with cabling as it relates to your formidible cartridge collection would be most welcome.