help guide a vinyl newbie

I am just getting back into vinyl for the first time since college and could use some expertise from this knowledgeable group.

My current setup:
McIntosh 275 Mk IV
SF Cremona Auditors
Black Cube SE
Denon DP47F
Ayre CX7

I am going to be upgrading my turntable and phono preamp over the next couple of years, but as I am hoping to “do it right once”, I can not afford to do it all at one time. So my question is: should I upgrade the TT and cartridge first and then the phono preamp or vice versa?

Since it will be a couple of years between purchases, I am hoping to gain the biggest upgrade in sound first.

I am planning to buy the ARC PH7, Rega P9 and a cartridge to be determined later respectively if that helps.

Thanks in advance for the advice!
The DP47F is a very good table. Assuming it is in perfect working condition, you might not even need to change it. I will definitely upgrade the phono amp first.
Thanks for the reply. I had the table checked out when I had the current cartridge installed (Dynavecotr 10x5). They gave it a clean bill of health.
hi- consider buying an arc ph5 used on audiogon for around $1500--it'll give you plenty of thrill and most of what you get from the ph7 and lots of leftover money for mo' better vinyl