SME 30 / 12 pre-release details.

Some news from SME about the new 30 /12 turntable and arm.
Updated information:
Orders before the 23rd of December will be supplied in early to mid - February. UK list price £22,987.89.
The new Series V-12 arm will not be available with a detachable headshell as this role is taken by the 312S tonearm.
It is possible to order the turntable for use with a 9" and 12" SME tonearm but only one arm can be fitted at a time and the other would have to be removed from the arm mounting plate, in the same way as the Model 20/12A.
The Series V-12 and the 312S are supplied as standard with a range of extra tungsten weight`s to balance any cartridge.
Turntable Weight is approx 70kg (150lb). Size is 520mm wide x 375mm deep, height not known yet.
The sizes are for the prototypes and have increased very slightly for production, exact dimensions to follow.
The turntable will be available with many of the brass components Gold plated, this is a no cost option with as many, or as little as you require.
It is very expensive for SME to produce the 12" one piece tonearm, so they want to keep this model as the flagship of the range. But the 312S will available with the Series V balance weight assembly at no extra cost.
I bet this is a killer table. (not sure I care for the gold plating, I like the way they look now!)

I love my SME 20/2 with IV.Vi arm. I am hoping to get a Graham or Triplanar arm for it one day soon.

The biggest issue with SME is the list prices here in the US, between the exchange rate, the importer, then the dealer it really hits hard on the value for $$'s equation. Somehow I wish SME could address this some more could own these fine tables...

Let us know when you order then get your new table!
Scousepasty - Is the UK dealer Southwest Analogue? If so, give my regards to Graham. Best SME dealer in the UK.
Indeed it is. Fantastic people to deal with. Always return calls and emails - unlike some dealers I could mention!
In these hard times, I hope its people like these who survive, and some of the dealers who never return calls are still the same - for the moment.
Scousepasty - You are so right. Unfortunately, the US SME dealers have arm-twisted SME itself to not allow UK dealers to sell tables directly to the US anymore.
Sumiko just put up the 30/12, V-12 info plus a Hi Fi news review...