Questions about Zerostat use

I recently purchase a Zerostat gun (blue).There is no manual whatsoever so i have several questions regarding its use.The box says just to slowly press the trigger 12 inches from the record and then slowly depress it.
1.Should i point away when depressing the trigger?
2.Should i do it on each side of the LP?
3.Can i use it on cartridges and cables?If yes,how?
4.A small plastic piece that came in the box:is it just the protective cover or is it for something else?
I really appreciate your help!Thanks.
Most of the directions above are correct. Always point it at the record...squeezing the trigger emits positive ions, releasing it releases negative ions.
I too am new to all this.

Should this be done while the record is sitting on the turntable platter or should it be done away from the turntable? Reason I ask is due to the fact that you guys suggested that it not be done on cartrdiges.
When using the Zerostat on a record, I've had fine success doing it both with the record on the platter and in my hand. Try it both ways and see what's most effective for you. Holding the record in your hand certainly removes the risk of accidentally aiming it at your cartridge, but I've not had a problem using it with the LP on the platter - just being careful not to point the nozzle at the cartridge. Either way, move the nozzle in a circular motion around the surface of the record as you squeeze the trigger.

Follow Larryi's recommendation for the squeeze technique, and keep the nozzle about 6" from the surface. Someone in an earlier thread shared the instructions that came with his Zerostat to point the nozzle away from the record when releasing the trigger. I'd always done it as Larryi describes: keeping it pointed at the LP at all times. Since that thread, I've experimented with pointing it away on the release and that seems to work well.

I think the key factor in all of this is to experiment and find what works consistently for you. FWIW, notwithstanding all the discussion, I find the Walker Audio Talisman to be my tool of choice at this point for each LP play, and the Zerostat stays in the cabinet.