Any opinions on the Lyra stylus cleaning fluid?

Lyra gives a cleaning fluid with their higher priced cartridges. Some say that no fluid should ever be used because it can travel up the cantilever and create a short or deposit dirt at the least. Any opinions?

When I had my Rega with the Lydian B I used and had no problems. I now have a Troika and use it occassionally.
I mainly use the Last Cleaner and Treatment. The Lyra cleaner has a nice brush but not having on the cap is an inconvenience.

I've owned a lyra lydian beta, helicon and now a Skala. The last two cartrdiges (I had the helicon for 3 years and the skala now for over 2) I have used the lyra fluid about every 3-4 sides of a record. It seems to improve every so slightly the imaging and things slightly are more coherent.

I used the record research fluid nearly every side. And sometimes use the record research (LP#9 I think) to clean and very carefully apply the Lyra fluid. This seems the highest fidelity route.

As long as you apply the Lyra fluid to the brush first, flick away any excess, and only swipe the stylus (you can get a slight amount on the catilever) you'll be fine and you'll get a small incremental improvement in sound...

Also the Cardas frequency sweep record helps. I use track #2 on side one every 25 hours or so.
I'm mostly using the magic eraser as well but I do rotate my zerodust in between sides because I figure it has a gentler action. I also have some Disc Doctor fluid and brush left which I occasionally still apply. I guess I'm thinking a variety of approaches may offer the best balance. Overall though, I'm most impressed with the magic eraser and it's became the backbone of my stylus care regimen. It's a perfect illustration that spending more money is no guarantee of better, or even equivalent, results.
Hey, could someone elaborate on the "Magic Eraser" cleaning regimen? First I have heard ofit.Thanks!
Varyat, go to the link in my first post above. It contains the full explanation.