How would you rate the Well Tempered Reference Arm

Anybody have direct comparisons with other arms? Where does it stand in the marketplace? I currently have a VPI Super Scoutmaster plinth w/SDS ,Super Platter, Periphery ring, HRX record weight, SAMA and a WT Ref. Arm w/Benz Ruby 3. I'm wondering if I'd be better off with one of VPI's arms. Which one (if any) would overtake the WTA? Or,what other brand in the general price range would be better? Discuss,please.
All interesting responses thus far. Much appreciated! I'm hoping others - with direct experience - can chime in about how/if any of the VPI arms stack up against the WT Ref. Arm. And, what arms out there would be a significant step upward?
Any tips on how to recognize when the damping is adjusted "correctly"? No thoughts on "how/if any of the VPI arms stack up against the WT Ref. Arm"?