Phono Pre Amp?

I am using the little NAD but i want to upgrade, I am using a Music Hall MMF5.

What Pre Amp will make an improvement, that costs under $400.00's or is it not even worth upgrading?

Another vote for the Cambridge 640P. They're not even $180 unless you're talking about shipping. They're $169 pretty much anywhere, including Audio Advisor and MusicDirect.

This thing is incredible. It has a lot of the performance you don't usually get until you pay some serious money, such as a very high s/n ratio (the noise floor is LOW!), linearity, speed, and frequency extension at both ends. You will hear a significant improvement over your NAD, and may not hear much more improvement beyond the 640P until you get to a Graham Slee Era Gold Reflex at $925.

I was playing my analog rig into a vintage but highly respected Amber Model 17 preamp. The Cambridge created such a jump in dynamics, resolution, speed, and extension that I ended up upgrading the cartridge, line stage/amp, and speakers to exploit the 640P's potential.

You've been warned. :)
I would vote for the Bellari VP129- great sounding little tube that I have seen used many times here on audiogon for under $200 usually.
If you want a major leap try a bottle head seduction, I think theres one for sale right here on a gon
My system is as follows:

Primare I21
Primare CD21
Thiel 1.6
Kimber PBJ from NAD to Primare
Kimber Hero from Primare I21 to CD21
Monster MSeries 2.2
Music Hall MMF5 (i love vinyl so much that this piece will be upgraded at some point in the future)

Thats why the budget is low because I know the NAD is not the best and I know I can improve my sound from the MMF5 but I dont know how for under $400.00.

I will do some poking around for the 640p and see what I come up with, thank you.
The NAD unit is really entry level.. I know you can do better... the Graham Slee mentioned above should do it.