VPI tone arm set up

Wanting to get back into analog, I just completed all my purchases (here on Audiogon) and am ready to start putting everything together. I have a VPI Aries 1 turntable, a VPI JMW 9 Sig. tonearm and a Shelter 501 mk11 cartridge I have mounted to a Cartridge Man Isolator. My question is- I understand the distance between the spindle and tone arm pivot is to be 223mm. Are they talking about center of turntable spindle to center of tonearm pivot? Also, I purchsed a VPI tonearm jig and noticed it only has 1 null point (inner, closest to turntable spindle) where as other jigs I've seen have 2 null points. Will this align correctly?
I have the same turn table and arm that you have and went through the learning curve with set up information ETC. At the end I found that the Mint Tractor was by far the best set up tool available for this combination. The difference in sound between the VPI set up and the Mint Tractor blew me away. Google "Mint Tractor", you will not be sorry and I'm in no way associated with any kind of sales for this tool. I just know it really does work.
You can get good results with either the VPI jig or the Mint Tractor. In the end though, the results with the Mint tool are significantly better and much more reproducable. With the VPI jig, I could always talk myself out of thinking I had it right(like trying to hang a picture straight by eye). The Mint is more accurate by removing siting error from the equation through the use of reflection.
Thanks everyone who has responded. I will probably purchase the Mint Tractor just because I like to tweek, to me thats where half the fun is. My concern here though is that a couple of responces are pointing to maybe the Shelter 501 is not a good match for the VPI JMW9 tonearm. I was wondering what cartridge you guys are using that would be a better match? When I contacted VPI they did suggest adding weight, thats when I decided to go with the Cartridge Man Isolater, I think it adds about 2 grams.
I have a Benz Ebony LP, and had a Benz Ebony high output...both wonderful. Dyna xv-1 is also great. Listen to both and decide.