Help all ye Triplanar Gurus

I received my Triplanar VII U2 from Singapore over the weekend and I may have screwed up big time while mounting the arm.Basically, the screw that adjusts the height of the cueing platform broke in the hole with the screw head coming off,with the result that if I use the cueing platform to lower the arm on the record it seems to descend from Mt. Everest. Manually lowering the Lyra Skala on the record is not good for my health.
Have sent a mail to Triplanar and also the Dealer(Audio Note, Singapore).
I doubt if any A'goners have experienced a similar situation but there is no harm in asking.You have to be particularly cretin like to have achieved what I have done.
Am also unable to align the cart using the Best tractor supplied by my friend Yip in Hong Kong coz the mounting holes on the wooden armband are a bit askew. This can and will be resolved.
Will appreciate any help/ advise to lift my deep depression.
Many thanks
Sunnyboy1956, I've known Tri a very long time and this story did not sound right, so I gave him a call. Turns out their emai l has been down the last month or so and they are in the middle of changing ISPs (and apparently, doing a whole lot of contruction at the same time).

He told me that he thought sending the screw was not likely going to be enough, as he thought that the platform was likely damaged too, so had sent (apparently fairly recently) the screw and a new platform to your dealer.
The phone is always the best method for service issues because you never really know if e-mail makes it.

Tri's integrity wasn't questioned (but now the whole ISP excuse makes one wonder). I challenged the supposition that cottage industry vendors shouldn't be expected to provide good customer service and that waiting for 2 weeks for a response was reasonable.