Good Analog EQ

Looking to integrate some form of analog EQ as a temporary solution until I change my speakers (which is going to take a while).

I can appreciate that adding anything into the signal path is not ideal but I'm wondering if it might be a worthy tradeoff since I have a fairly high resolution system but am not hearing it all because of too much bass (and yes, I have some room treatment already).

If I unplug the low frequency speaker cable from one speaker I get a huge improvement in detail (but of course suffer in other ways), so I'm thinking if I get my hands on some decent equalizer I might be able to improve things.

I use digital room correction for digital sources, but obviously don't want to do this for LPs.

Thanks in advance.
The only analog one I know is the Rives PARC unit, which is fairly transparent. It sure beats putting a digital unit in the chain and suffering an additional a/d and d/a conversion.

Rarely seen on Audiogon though.


ditto Rives. What about speaker placement and listening position. You can make huge differences with such adjustments. Can you describe you positioning?
Marchand makes well-respected stock and custom Active, Passive, Tube and Solid State crossovers and also makes the analog WM8 "BASSIS" Bass Correction Equalizer.

Give them a call, I'm sure they can solve your problem for fairly cheap. Here's their review page
If it's just a temporary solution, then just use the digital room correction. No new interconnects, no new power cords and no new rack space needed. The losses resulting from the added AD-DA conversion could easily be outweighed by the increased resolution across the entire frequency range.
Are you handy at all? With what you describe maybe you could get by with a simple L-pad on the woofers to attenuate the LF until you have a more permanent solution.