Good Analog EQ

Looking to integrate some form of analog EQ as a temporary solution until I change my speakers (which is going to take a while).

I can appreciate that adding anything into the signal path is not ideal but I'm wondering if it might be a worthy tradeoff since I have a fairly high resolution system but am not hearing it all because of too much bass (and yes, I have some room treatment already).

If I unplug the low frequency speaker cable from one speaker I get a huge improvement in detail (but of course suffer in other ways), so I'm thinking if I get my hands on some decent equalizer I might be able to improve things.

I use digital room correction for digital sources, but obviously don't want to do this for LPs.

Thanks in advance.
ditto Rives. What about speaker placement and listening position. You can make huge differences with such adjustments. Can you describe you positioning?
Marchand makes well-respected stock and custom Active, Passive, Tube and Solid State crossovers and also makes the analog WM8 "BASSIS" Bass Correction Equalizer.

Give them a call, I'm sure they can solve your problem for fairly cheap. Here's their review page
If it's just a temporary solution, then just use the digital room correction. No new interconnects, no new power cords and no new rack space needed. The losses resulting from the added AD-DA conversion could easily be outweighed by the increased resolution across the entire frequency range.
Are you handy at all? With what you describe maybe you could get by with a simple L-pad on the woofers to attenuate the LF until you have a more permanent solution.
Thanks for the responses.

PiedPiper: my speakers are Aerial 9's, my room is 14x25 and soundproofed with ASC wall-damping. This sort of traps bass in to some degree, but the issue is that the Aerials were designed with 'thick bass' in mind; they have 4 7' woofers for low frequencies, 1 6" for midrange. They overload my room. My room is also a home theater so the speakers are on the short wall, about 3' from front and side walls. Seating is at 12' from front wall and I can't change this.

The Aerials have downfiring ports. Instead of using the optional stands (which raise them a few inches, I'm using the stock plastic 1" feet). This seems to congest the bass slightly.

Dan: Your post intrigues me because I keep thinking that if I could could attenuate a choice woofer or two it might help. What is an L-pad? If you wouldn't mind describing what you're thinking of, I'd appreciate it.

I'll check out the leads for Rives and Marchand.

Thanks again,