Best Cartridge for technics sl1200mk2

Guys I bought this turntable a few years ago with all the KAB upgrades but never set it up- So couple of questions- How good a table is it and what cart. should I get to match it- thanks gary
It's a very good turntable and offers high bang for the buck, especially with the KAB upgrades.

I don't recall it being particularly picky about cartridge choice. One thing to keep in mind is whether or not your phono preamp will provide enough gain for a low-output MC cartridge or whether it will limit you to higher output MM and MC cartridges.

There has got to be a lot of people who own that turntable and could provide recommendations for a cartridge choice once we know what phono preamp you are using.
Check out posts by Johnnyb53...he's written a fair amount about carts for the
SL1210. Would think they'd apply. Personally just been running mod'd.
Stantons/Pickerings from KAB. Played those through a Lehman Black Cube and
now with Heed Quasar phono pre. Do attend to isolation. I also thought a mat
from Herbies on top of the heavy (stock?) rubber TT mat made a difference.

This thread (number?) might be a good place to start.
1284826376. Though unfortunately, not sure how to search on it. At any rate,
try searching (all words) on: johnnyb63 SL1200. You will get some hits.
I have the same table and went through 3 cartridges before settling on the Shelter 501. Used a Shure of some sort, Sumiko Blue Point & Grado Ref Platinum before settling on a Shelter 501. Also used a Grado preamp, Lehman Black Cube before settling on a Krell KPE phono.
My table has the KAB tonearm re-wire & Cardas RCA cables to the preamp. I also use a Sumiko headshell with either SME or Sumiko wires from the cartridge to the headshell, I don't recall.
The above works very well for me and cannot see changing anything. The cartridge is very forgiving on setup from what I can tell. I have moved the tracking weight up and down many times and settled on around 1.5-1.75 grams. I am not the big audiophile that so many are on this site, I really just like listening to good clean sound.
The KAB mods really opened up the sound and I felt they were well worth the price of admission,
Hopefully the above helps you make your decision.
Regards, John