Turntable sound bad

I have a Rega rb250 with mitchell technoweight, vta adjuster, dnenon dl 103 cartridge. A Rega Planar 3 plinth, with aftermarket steel spiked feet. The problem I am having is setting it up to sound right. After the first few songs play, the voices start to sound hissy, and progressively get worse toward the last song.

I am wondering what would cause this: turntable being out of level, Vta, cartridge overhang, Tracking weight? Obviously I am not doing something right, and this is way beyond my limited knowledge. Oh well I hope someone out there can direct me what to try first. Thank in advance, Jason.
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Viridian, agreed, removing the stock feet is a recipe for disaster with this table. Those feet are tuned for the table and provide the best support/isolation for it. I don't think that is the core cause of the problem scribed.

Narrod, Viridian, I disagree with both of you regarding the feet. On my Rega 25, I put Cardas blocks under the unit which bypasses the feet, and it made a huge difference for the better.
Stringreen, I'm glad you like it. I've heard that table with about every type of support imaginable and always prefer the stock feet. We all don't hear the same. Whatever works for you is correct.
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