Zero Stat Gun

How do you use this thing? Very confused, i think i may just have wasted money, could have bought 3 records for somewhere instead of staring dumb founded at the record wondering why i still hear the static after using the gun.

Does that little cover have to be on or off? What is the proper way to use the gun?
For a Zero-stat "how to", do what Cerrot said. Use it when you need to and squeeze slowly. If you hear/feel clicking you're squeezing too fast and it won't work.

As for your report of hearing "static" during play, you're not. Frequent or constant snaps, crackles and pops are not caused by static. They're caused by dirt and/or by damage from previous plays, as others explained on your previous thread .

Audible static discharges are rare (though not unknown). If you did get one it would typically take several revolutions (at least) for your rig to build up enough static potential to produce a second one. My rigs have not produced an audible static discharge in five years of constant use, despite a static-prone winter climate.

For those on tight budgets a Zero-Stat is an optional tool. There are simple (and free) ways to live without one.

Record cleaning, however, is not optional. A record being played uncleaned is a record being destroyed. Priorities...

P.S. Skip the Gruv Glide, at least for new records. It may quiet a few old, ruined LP's but it smothers the life out of good ones and builds up residue on the stylus that must be removed.
I always thought it was a squeeze away from the record, them one slow release onto the record as it is spinning. At least that's the way I've been using it (successfully) for many years.

In response to the whole squeeze slowly i have had 4 people try to squeeze this thing slowly without hearing clicks and all of us make the damm thing click.

And the directions say nothing that anyone here posted :) it says point "OH BOY" and nothing about "not hearing clicks".

And since there are 534,124 different ways of cleaning records I guess one just has to do what they feel comfy.

Thank for the replies.

I think the only thing that can help is a cleaning machine.
Dougdeacon? is static the snap crackel and pop or no? can we upload mp3 files to this thread, maybe if i can give you something to work with you can tell me what i need to?

Groove glide, if used properly, works quite well. Low torque tables do not lend themselves to proper application. Try applying while LP is still on the RCM.