Nagra VPS

I plan an upgraded on my phonostage?

does someone could eleborated his experience with NAGRA VPS?

it replaced what phonostage?

if you upgraded and replace your Nagra, what top the Nagra VPS.

thanks for your help
did you see this thread? several comment on the VPS ...what part of the world do you live in?
"The Nagra VPS was much more forward in its presentation and treated the instruments with equal emphasis also but gave more energy to instruments when needed. There was more punch and excitement, depth and lower bass was better. It was very good with all the music I played. I found my self tapping my toes to the music with the VPS.

I have been using the Pass Alpha ONO before this"

Well it appear, i'm case sensitive word am living in! and as far as i can read and from your respond, you seem dedicated to nagra causes! ;)
Well my VPS arrived yesterday and it would be darn right stupid of me to attempt a review on 3hrs of listening but there is one observation I want to share. The tubes on my Conrad Johnson power amp are new with barely 8/10 hours of use. With my previous phonostage(Sutherland Phd - a superb phonostage) you could make out that something was amiss, the musical picture and textures were all there but the midrange was a bit on the thin side(in the context of new tubes).With the VPS in the system somehow I almost forgot the tubes have a long way to go before break in. The musical presentation was a whole lot more coherent. The VPS is straight out of the box. If this is what the VPS does before it and the power amp achieve break in, well I guess the good times are here and now.
Sunnyboy1956, it just get's better from here :). On my VPS, it to sounded great out of the box. It wasn't like my BAT gear that I thought was broke or I messed up, however after 100's of hours it transformed...and is great.

The VPS doesn't transformationally change, everything relaxes and this incredible sense of ease just flows. Now if you're also using the transistor gain section, it does take a little time (150 hrs tops) and does open/extend a little.

My preamp allows me to use either gain setting (just have to turn the volume way up). The tube section is more transparent (slightly), and adding the transistor gain, tightens things ever so slightly. I almost like both, for differnt records (tube for classical, small scale jazz), transistor for rock.

Good luck

(Jazzbeq, a few happy owners i think)