Nagra VPS

I plan an upgraded on my phonostage?

does someone could eleborated his experience with NAGRA VPS?

it replaced what phonostage?

if you upgraded and replace your Nagra, what top the Nagra VPS.

thanks for your help
It has been a while since that reply on the other thread about the VPS.
THE VPS has gotten much better over time. The all around sound has become tighter, especially in the bottom end. The timber and decay also continue to evolve over time. The most change happens after the first 300 hours or so.
Play something you really like when you first get it then try it again after about 100 hours. You will notice more ease in the sound and better emehasis in the individual instruments and their presentation.
Hi Jfrech,

I did check your post on your gears, and it will look similar to the one a friend is willing to let me try is VPS at his place, same tt but he has omega/classe instead of tube amp

the VPS is over the NAGRA DAC, film is shaky, maybe the sub were too loud ;)

here pic of his gear:
Jazzbeq: that's a great looking system. you'll get to hear the VPS in a very good setting. Be ready to order yours ;)
Hevac1 and Jfrech
A quick question : what cartridge loading are you using and with which cartridge? Am still experimenting, currently using a specially supplied 1k ohm card with a Lyra Skala. There is a difference with the 47k ohm card but hey its pretty subtle. Would appreciate any comments/advice.
I was born in 1956.
For my Keotsu 100 ohm.
For my Lyra Helikon Mono 1000 ohm.
Also You might want to try 500 ohm for the Skala.
Make sure you activate the loading. I messed that up a first on the secord input when I was setting it up.