What is your cartridge and tracking force used

Share your actual setup or numerous setup you liked.

Actual for me: Grado Reference Platinum with recommended 1.5g (from .75 to 2) tracking force. Im still trying to find the best one but im always coming back to 1.5.

Benz LP - 1.8 with the arm just a hair under horizontal from the rear. I have a Shure scale and am using it with the front feet off of the rim of the platter giving it a more accurate setting.
Grado Reference Sonata (high output version) at the recommended 1.5gm. Just installed it recently, and it sounds and tracks fine at that setting.

-- Al
Benz LP 1.94, Shelter 90x 1.89. No antiskate, just higher range tracking force. Works for me.
Shelter 90x: 1,90
Zyx UNIverse: 1,96
Lyra Skala: 1,72
Takeda Miyabi: 2,03
Transfiguration Temper: 1,85
Fidelity Research FR-7f: 2,65
Shibui Limited: 2,48