What cartridges under $800 outperform DL-103R?

I have a brass plate on my nude DL-103 and I'm ready for a change. I'm looking for more air and ambiance, but don't want to sacrifice extension on either end.

I'm debating whether to try Uwe's Panzerholz body on a 103R, or try something altogether different like a Dynavector 20XH, Sumiko Blackbird, Lyra Dorian, Zyx R50 Bloom. I had a Benz Glider L2 (0.4 mV) for a while, but didn't find it any better than the 103R. My tonearm is Micro Seiki MA-707.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
To better a 103R in that price range, I'd be curious regarding the enhancements Soundsmith or others provide for the 103R itself.
12-19-08: Johnbrown

Thanks for your notes on the Denon DL-S1. I've often wondered if that cart would be a more refined 103 or 103r, but as you said, it's rarely reviewed, even on the blogs (occasionally someone will seek an opinion on VA, but only the crickets respond).
I seem to remember a post here from Ed Kobesky, reviewer for Positive Feedback online, that was very positive for the Denon DL-S1. You might want to see if you can find anything from him, or just PM him from Audiogon.

Have you received you Soundsmith retipped 103R potted in an ebony body? I want to hear about it.

Personally, I'm hesitant to purchase a used cartridge. I think it's the riskiest of all used audio hardware purchases (cables probably being the least risky). I'm just too risk adverse when it comes to carts.
Also, has anyone used an Audio-Technica AT33EV / AT33PTG on a mediaum mass tonearm like an Origin Live Silver? On paper, it does not seem like a good match (with those AT carts having a compliance of 40 x 10-6cm/dyne, and the OL Silver having an effective mass of 14 grams).