Use your Dual 1229 amd chuck the Linn. :) Man, if only I had half of the money that I poured into that table in upgrades. I was never really happy with my Linn, it seemed that I was always doing some new tweek to improve performance. By the way, I am a huge Mcintosh fan and at one time had a Mr78, C29 and a MC-2300. No complaints. The Linn is a nice enough table, but silly problems began to creep up. Speed control, too fast then too slow, then death. Motors, my goodness, those stinking little gutless motors don't last. I went through three. Power supplies anyone? Belts? Bearing upgrades (well Norman, you didn't tell me that you listen to solo piano music, so that is why your LP12 sounds muddled, you need the Cirkus Bearing upgrade! We can accomdate you for only $$$$$) In any event I think I ended up selling my Linn for about $1100.. (it looked new) I had around $8000 into it. Couldn't stomach another upgrade or tweek. Your in my prayers man.