Allaerts down-repair or ??

After about a year in my system,the ECO has ceased to produce any sounds from the left-hand channel.After speaking with my dealer and Audio Advancements,I was told that it would take at least 6 months to get the cartridge repaired.After inquiring further,it appears as if 24 months or more may be the "real" time period.
Would having someone else take a "look" be an unwise course of action,as this would negate my "warranty".
Your thoughts?
Happy Holidays and thanks in advance for your response.
If you want to own an Allaert cartridge, try and buy a second one as soon as funds permit. Only Jan can fix them, and a Brand-X backup could lead to severe depression ;-)
Can anyone comment on first-hand experience with the Soundsmith Voice or Ebony Voice?
Jloveys,Did you send your cartridge directly to Jan Allaerts or did it first have to be returned to the dealer,then importer and forwarded to Allaerts?
Dear Tpsonic: I did send the cartridge directly to Jan, but I live in Belgium and curiously we have no Allaerts dealers here. So I recommend that you send him an e-mail to ask him what is the best way to do that. Jan is a very helpful person, he will tell you the cost of repair and estimated time to do it. The repair prices are reasonable.
Best regards.
I got my MC1B in June this year after a 16 month wait; I had to be very patient. Based on my recollection, the Dealer in Singapore mentioned the retip/ repair takes a few months.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this cartridge,though it looks like I may need another,while this one is re-built/repaired.Am considering the Soundsmith "Voice" as the interum contender w/o over-spending.It sounds like an interesting cartridge.Can anyone comment on its' durability? I use the cueing on my Encounter arm,as I have limited vision dus to my diabetes (vitrectomy/cataracts).
Merry Christmas!