Record Clamps?

How tight do these things have to placed on the record? I noticed one of my lighter colored labels is beginning to show a ring where the clamp contacts it.

Are there any heavy clamps that just rest on the record rather than screw down on the spindle?

In addition to coupling the record to the platter, a clamp can be effective in changing the resonant signature of the spindle bearing assembly & drawing off bearing noise that would otherwise be conducted through platter to stylus. For this reason I've moved through heavier and heavier clamps, and noticed improvement with each step up to what might be considered an excessive load on the bearing. I am currently using 5 lbs. of brass. To draw off bearing noise, a heavy clamp should couple tightly to the spindle-- preferably threaded. Any good design should allow the threaded section to rotate independent of the surrounding weight, so that there is no scraping action on the record label as the clamp is tightened. A clamp works better if the bottom surface is slightly concave or machined with a recess in the center area.
I dont see myself milling out a 5lb cylinder of brass anytime soon. I'm positive it would cause problems for my motor, belt and bearing.

I'm just going to be more cautious not not allow the clamp to spin at all once the "plate" makes contact with the label.

In follow up though, does anyone have any objections to the addition of felt to the underside of the clamp? Several people brought up the impact on sound quality that clamps have on vinyl, would the felt take some of the "liveliness" of the vinyl?
Want to try an inexpensive clamp?

Go and buy a hockey puck, then pick up a bunch of smal round lead fishing weights. These are usually sold in small bags. Get the puck home and carefully measure out to find DEAD CENTRE. Then take a protractor and rule to measure out a series of spokes from the dead centre out to the edge of the puck. Then measure out along each spoke oh say at 1/2 inch spaces and mark these with dots.

Get a 5/16ths or slightly larger drill bit. If you have access to a drill press and can set depth you will be able to first drill the centre hole for the spindle. Make sure you drill deep enough so that the puck will sit over the turntable spindle and seat flush on record centre. Next drill out each marked demarcation deep enough so that you will be able to fit in the lead ball fishing weights with glue. Again if I recall 5/16ths or about 7-8mm drill bits should do. If the holes are too tight just open them up one size larger.

The puck should slip easily over the spindle but not too loose. I use a 10 ounce puck use by some European leagues. NHL standard pucks are 7 ounces and will work too. I was able to add maybe anther 6-8 ounces of lead balls to my puck and estimated it to be over 1 lb to maybe 1.25 lbs.. No its not that heavy and it won't flatten out warped albums but it connects the LP to the platter and as others say helps dampen resonances in the spindle. Besides it only costs a couple of dollar. 10 ounce pucks often are orange in colour so I painted mine flat black.
I use the one made by HRS.
Works great, dampens better than my Basis clamp and works with vacume hold down. It should work on your table,it has no threads though.
I have an old SOTA reflex clamp and it works great, for for what it's worth.