+1 on Sgr's comments. have had a chance to listen to many computer based systems and nothing i've heard bests streaming with the PWD II and the bridge. redbook sounds great and hi-res is truly a mind bender. incredible in all respects and comes VERY close to duplicating the sound my PWT can produce (PWD MKII upgrade really took it up a notch).
it was alot of work. between the many settings, glitches and firmware updates...it was also frustrating at times. learned more about computers in the last year then i have the previous 20 years. if you're willing to jump in with both feet (time and money), pc audio is definitely getting there if not there already imho.
it was alot of work. between the many settings, glitches and firmware updates...it was also frustrating at times. learned more about computers in the last year then i have the previous 20 years. if you're willing to jump in with both feet (time and money), pc audio is definitely getting there if not there already imho.