Great suggestions.
I need to try to absorb all the info that you guys have passed to me, as well as other info that I've pulled off the net. Really appreciate all your support. I think I have what I need to do a decent job of set up.
I must admit that I contacted a local stereo store today and learned they do cartridge set ups for $60. Will talk to the gentleman upon his return Monday and see what tools he uses. If I determine he's probably going to do a better job that I could (for example, he may also adjust VTA and stylus pressure too), I may punt and let him do it.
Hope you all have a happy and safe New Year!!
I need to try to absorb all the info that you guys have passed to me, as well as other info that I've pulled off the net. Really appreciate all your support. I think I have what I need to do a decent job of set up.
I must admit that I contacted a local stereo store today and learned they do cartridge set ups for $60. Will talk to the gentleman upon his return Monday and see what tools he uses. If I determine he's probably going to do a better job that I could (for example, he may also adjust VTA and stylus pressure too), I may punt and let him do it.
Hope you all have a happy and safe New Year!!