It is 5 AM, Do you Know where Mikey Fremer is?

At a garage sale, so Mikey tells us on his latest DVD. He must be the ultimate vinyl junkie, always looking for more, more, more. Are you part of his competition?

It appears the long ago, Mikey moved from one who just listens, to one who just collects for the 'just must have' but no time to listen school. Sad.

Does that describe you? What part of your music collection has never been listen to, 20%, 50%, more?
I agree with you on PH7 in a full range system Mike and sold mine for that reason, with not many hours. Just bought a Ref 2 and its away getting modified right now - will post how that turns out.
I heard what Ypsilon pre & power amps can do driving the big SoundLabs in Singapore with a Thales t/t set-up, made me think about my own system and how inadequate it sounded in some areas. Bit a out of my budget.
I don't know ,But I'm from EUROPE, and as far as I'm concerned such man as Fremer and Alan Pearson would deserve a monument from U.S.A. people . Have you any Idea of how much records U.S.A. dealers has sold in Europe thanks to them . I think that I've got at least 70% of Tas List records . Have you any Idea How much I've spent on those Tas and Fremer record 's list. Thousands dollars. Thousands dollars that ended in U.S.A. wallets. Do you Think I'm rare bird in Europe . I'm not, thousand collectors bought the records under Fremer and Pearson advise. How much is Thousands x Thousands .I've always appreciated their advise. I don't regret the money I've spent and nobody obliged me in doing so.Thanks Mr Fremer and Mr Pearson
Ouch! A Ypsilon phono at $26k is more than twice the Ref Phono 2, it better sound better! I wish that I had heard that comparison.

Interesting comments on the bass of the Ref Phono 2; bass on my Khorns with the Ref really sang for me. It was taunt, with real punch and articulation; sound filled my room as I had never heard it through the Hovland. But it is true that the Khorns don't go far below 40HZ and that may be why I missed the 'fat.' (but above 40 they are darn good)! Oh well, I haven't bought one yet (but I am still saving)... I'm open to other good candidates, but $10k - $12k is all my wallet can handle.