Opinion on Nakamichi azimuth tape decks please

I am thinking of buying a Nakamichi tape deck with the azimuth head adjustment. It will be used mostly for playing of old tapes (that's why I need azimuth). Nak made few of those: 670ZX, 680, 680ZX, 681ZX, 682ZX, Cassette Deck 1, CR-7A, DR-1, ZX-7, ZX-9 and the Dragon. I would not like to spend a lot of money so the Dragon, CR-7A, and ZX-7/9 are excluded. Any opinion on the others? I assume all of them have excellent sound quality; is it true?

I have read that the 680 models have very reliable transport mechanism and other components, but they were made almost 30 years ago. Anyone have recent experience with them? The Cassette Deck 1 was made in 1990-92 (don’t know about DR-1); how reliable are they? Do all of the old Naks require frequent calibration and servicing, and how expensive is it?

Any opinions will be greatly appreciated.
The Dragon, and I think the 1000zxl or xzl or whatever it was called also had the auto azimuth adjustment for playback. I use a dragon myself for cassette transfers, but on occasion I've come across a tape that will have not enough in the treble range to allow the dragon to lock down the azimuth, so I keep a Cassette Deck One with manual adjustment for those rare occasions.
I have a 670ZX and it has Auto Azimuth Alignment, it says so right on the front. It's a very nice deck and unless you're a perfectionist it should do the job.

There are still a lot of old Naks around so you should be able to pick up a nice one pretty cheap. Shop around and get one that's in excellent operating and cosmetic condition.
There were 4 Nakamichi decks with playback azimuth adjustments; the Dragon which is automatic and the CR-7A, Cassette Deck One and DR-1 (I believe) that were manual. The 670ZX, 680ZX, 681ZX, 682ZX, 700ZXE, 700ZXL and 1000ZXL had auto azimuth alignment for recording only, not for playback. I believe that the 680, ZX-7 and ZX-9 had manual azimuth alignment for recording only. You can generally find Cassette Deck Ones on epay for reasonable prices (if they work)and they are nice decks, Ihave one in my secondary system
Dragons can be found pretty cheaply these days, but the electronics (as you suspected) can be a bit wonky. I have a Nak 680zx which does have azimuth adjustment, but it's set based on recording a tone on one head & checking with the read head, so it's a setup step before recording. I didn't know the Dragon has auto azimuth on playback.

On my Nak, the mechanicals are still great, but the Dolby C mis-tracks. Most of my tapes were recorded in the 70's & 80's and by now are suffering major loss of high frequencies, and print-through distortions from storage, where the inner layers of tape transfer some of their magnetic charges to the adjacent layers.

I was recording LPs to CD-R last night and thinking how much better this process is than what I used to be able to achieve with tape. So much can be done in the digital domain with phase-free filtering and click/pop removal, not to mention much quieter backgrounds and no tape hiss. You can certainly listen through that, but it's nice not to have to anymore.

By the way, if you want my Nak 680zx to play with, it's in a closet & I'll give/sell it to you for postage/packing cost at the UPS store. Be nice to see someone getting some use out of it!