GCPH straight to Power Amps?

Is anybody feeding their power amps directly from the PS Audio GCPH? What are the results like? I listen almost exclusively to vinyl and am thinking about moving away from my integrated to a pair of monoblocks, and this seems like a cost-effective way to go about it.
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I have some longer interconnects coming which will allow me to switch back and forth between my BAT VK51se and the GCPH for comparison. Should be fun. I tend to agree, the GCPH is a keeper until Ayre has a PX-R at least.
Yeah, I imagine 600 watts would do the trick. I'm going to have to bring my GCPH down to my dealer next time I'm around, see what type of sound I get goin'. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
The Pro-Ject Tube Box SE 11 has gotten better reviews and is $699. And it has TUBES in it. [I assume your appellation indicates interest in same.]
Get the Cullen mods if it's stock.But if one has the dough going to Rhea or Ear432 no comparison.One thing that my friend likes with his .23Mv Dynvaector is that he has dual volume control on unit.Not sure he'd be so happy with that cart and 89 db speakers if he didn't have Cary Sli80.Also when you compare gain section of cheaper op amps in GCPH versus better circuitry in pre or integrated thjat would be A/B.Sure purity counts but I have gone passive route for same end and didn't get dynamics or bass.And there is quality difference in same.