How will XLR cables vs RCA effect a phono pre

I have an TNT V with SME IV type 6 tonearm with a Sumiko Sho cartridge that is a high output at 47K ohms and the output voltage is 2.3 mV. I have had to move my turntable so the cable going to ARPH3SE is one meter, but the cable going to Krell Pre-Amp needs to be 2m. If I were to upgrade to another phono pre-amp, would I be better off looking for one with XLR connections? I notice that there are not a lot of phono-pre that have XLR. Why is this? Would I be better off with a battery pre that seems to be very quiet or bite the bullet and look at BAT or similar? Can someone explain the difference between using RCA or XLR cables on a turntable and phono pre-amp? Any help greatly appreciated.
Mordante: The answer is no. You can run balanced from turntable to phono pre and single ended out of the phono preamp. You'll probably realize about 75-80% of the benefits of balanced operation this way-it offers much more performance, for example than running single ended from the table and balanced from the phono stage.

FWIW the Aqvox can be operated with balanced inputs and single ended outputs.
Now if you are thinking on a phono stage change IMHO it will be a good time to eliminate those IC ( cables ) that makes a cartridge signal degradation and buy a fully balanced active gain Phonolinepreamp ( integral unit ).

It just so happens that Raul and his partner make and sell exactly such a unit. Raul prefers not to add any manufacturer's disclaimer when offering his opinions in certain areas. I'm just trying to be nice and help him out.

This phono cartridge, balanced vs. single-ended debate has been discussed before. It is another one of those issues where folks just have to decide for themselves. Even with long runs between other components in a system you may not hear any difference.

But as to the original question. No, just changing the phono cables from se to xlr will not do much if anything.
Okay maybe this is just silly or I am!...

First off XLR from the "CARTRIDGE TO PHONO amp" Is almost pointless... All cartrides have 4 pins, and they are naturally already considered a Stereo left right a balanced source..RCA jacks from the Cartridge to your phono will probably in most cases as long as its shielded make little to zero difference, same noise from the cart will enter your phono stage even if it was XLR from my understanding, I mean its passive circuitry nothing is active in your cartridge or arm to those jacks whether being RCA or XLR.

XLR from Cartridge to Phono AMP will not GIVE you 6 db more gain, that cartridges is still a passive device and nothing is amplified more at that point... However XLR from the PHONO AMP to the Preamp could up another 6 db as thats the nature of the balanced active circuit.

Anyway I see virtually no reason that on paper the XLR which 99% of turntables do not have will make the passive cartridge sound better... Or quieter.. Now the only advantage to XLR would be having a Phono amp OUTPUT XLR to a Good Fully balanced PREAMP from its active gain circuits... And even then it seems very little can be had in most systems unless you really have the equipment to get that 5% degree of difference or because you have your Turntable VERY far away from your System and have the phono amp hooked up very close to the turntable(good idea) with cables only 2 or 3 feet away and then need to drive an XLR cable 20 feet to your preamp or something, THEN I can see XLR playing a critical part in this configuration, but only on the Phono AMps output, not on the cartridge passively sitting on your arm feeding that tiny signal to your phono amp if that makes sense..

Maybe I am just not seeing any benefit to a XLR input on a phono amp, but I do see it being beneficial in some cases on the output of the phono amp after active circuitry has been applied to the signal.

If not Enlighten me please!
Undertow: Ralph Karsten has talked about this in detail on another thread here:

I'm not particularly technically minded so much of it is beyond me, but after using a fully balanced phono stage I would never use anything but.
Noise is always an issue in phono reproduction. Anything you can do to reduce it is helpful, as long as those techniques do not introduce other problems.

Balanced operation is on of those techniques that works. You get reduced noise in 2 ways:
1) reduced noise from the cable and its routing
2) reduced noise from the phono section.

Differential gain stages have theoretically 6db less noise than the equivalent circuit operated single-ended, after you have accounted for gain differences. The noise of any phono section is compounded from gain stage to gain stage; so if the phono section is fully differential from input to output the reduced amount of noise can be substantial- perhaps 12 or 18 db in theory.

In fact in practice the actual reduction in noise is less, but only by a db or so if you have good design. This phenomena is so pronounced that in our phono section we are able to get sufficient gain with only 2 gain stages- despite the fact that our EQ is passive. With less gain stages there is less places for things to go wrong.

The fact of the matter is that going balanced, fully balanced, offers a very nice upgrade to phono performance. If the preamp is not balanced then IMO there is only marginal advantage to using a balanced cable.