Your expertise is needed

My Phono stage's Input Impedance is 3 Ohm.The cartridge I am thinking of buying has a coil resistance of 16 Ohms.
Can you tell me the ill effects if any, of using a 16 ohm cartridge with a 3 ohm phono stage.
OK, well after thinking about a bit further I can see that the fact that the phono stage input is sensing current flow, rather than voltage, that the volume attenuation I spoke of would be avoided. With a more typical voltage-sensing phono stage, the sensed input voltage would be divided down for the 16 ohm cartridge by a factor 3/(3+16), or 0.16, but that would not occur if current were being sensed.

But you still may get into trouble with upper treble rolloff. To determine that you would have to know the inductance of the cartridge, which some manufacturers specify but some don't, and plug it into the calculator in the reference I linked to (shown towards the bottom of the page under the heading "mc cartridges").

Hope that helps,
-- Al
I am presently using cartridges with impedance's of 3.4 and 8 ohms.Each works very well with this amazing Phono Stage.I was thinking of selling one of my cartridges and replacing it with one that is 16 ohms.I now think that I should stay with what I know works for me.I thank you both for your posts