Air Tight Supreme compared to PC-1

Please, share experience of the realized improvements between these two cartridges. Was the drop in output gain noticeable from 0.6 to 0.4? Any feedback would be appreciated.

Steve, in a nutshell, J.Valin liked the Supreme as a "greatly improved" cartridge over the over the original PC-1, which he'd liked very much. Quoting briefly from the review by JV: "The new cartridge goes lower with much better timing, focus, and resolution, goes higher with greater incisiveness, detail, and speed, plays big dynamic passages with greater power and control, and stages with even greather width and depth, and focus than the PC-1 (which, let me remind you, was and is no slouch in any of these regards). It is also much more neutral... As of this writing, the Air Tight PC-1 Supreme has less of a sonic signature than any other moving-coil I've tested, making it, possibly, the best cartridge I've tested."

He goes on to caution appropriately that "best" can only be in the context of a given cartridge/arm/table and one's listening priorities.
Damn Rushton, I may have to start reading Valin's reviews. Those are very kind words about the Supreme and I must say I love mine too.

Mike, regarding:
Albert, last time i was at the Northlake 'that' blond was asking about you. My wife wondered just what you did to make such an impression. Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me.

I think she was reading my mind while looking at you and Steve Dobbins.
Siddh, In regards to your question, I have yet to hear an Airtight cartridge at all, on any system let alone my own. As regards J Valin's review, all I can say is that he's done it again. He is a master of the superlative. Altho I am perfectly willing to believe that the Supreme is an improvement over the PC1, I would doubt that the differences are as dramatic as he states. based on reading his reviews over the years.
to add my 2 cents to Lew's perspective; i would put more stock in Albert's perspective on the degree of improvement with the Supreme than Valin's.

OTOH 8 years ago i purchased my Kharma Exquisite Reference 1D speakers sight unseen almost 100% due to Valin's review and never regretted it for one minute.
As is often proclaimed, assessment is best made with the Supreme in the environment I am most familiar. Dollars and....more dollars.

Thanks for the input.