Air Tight Supreme compared to PC-1

Please, share experience of the realized improvements between these two cartridges. Was the drop in output gain noticeable from 0.6 to 0.4? Any feedback would be appreciated.

Damn Rushton, I may have to start reading Valin's reviews. Those are very kind words about the Supreme and I must say I love mine too.

Mike, regarding:
Albert, last time i was at the Northlake 'that' blond was asking about you. My wife wondered just what you did to make such an impression. Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me.

I think she was reading my mind while looking at you and Steve Dobbins.
Siddh, In regards to your question, I have yet to hear an Airtight cartridge at all, on any system let alone my own. As regards J Valin's review, all I can say is that he's done it again. He is a master of the superlative. Altho I am perfectly willing to believe that the Supreme is an improvement over the PC1, I would doubt that the differences are as dramatic as he states. based on reading his reviews over the years.
to add my 2 cents to Lew's perspective; i would put more stock in Albert's perspective on the degree of improvement with the Supreme than Valin's.

OTOH 8 years ago i purchased my Kharma Exquisite Reference 1D speakers sight unseen almost 100% due to Valin's review and never regretted it for one minute.
As is often proclaimed, assessment is best made with the Supreme in the environment I am most familiar. Dollars and....more dollars.

Thanks for the input.