Need a little help, New to Vinyl

Hello all, I don't want to be a bother but I am not exactly sure if I know what I am doing in regards to setting up my first turntable. I have been doing my best to research this on the Internet and I think I know what I need but I am not sure. First of all, I want to set up my turntable for headphone listening. A good speaker system is too far out of my price range so the next best thing would be an excellent pair of headphones. I am considering the AKG 701's. I just purchased a used Music Hall MMF-5 turntable and I am not sure how to connect the headphones to it. From what I have found it appears I need a Phono Preamp, a headphone amp, and the necessary wiring, correct? Also, any suggestions on brands and such would be great. I know the headphone amp will be $200 and I can't really afford anything more then $200 for the Preamp. Thank you for your help.
You could look for a used pre-amp that also offers a built-in phono stage and headphone output. An example would be something like a NAD 114 or 116 which has both a MM/MC phono stage and a headphone output on the front panel. Plus you get remote contol and a pretty nice pre in the deal. Full disclosure--I own the 116 and would never part with it even though it's no longer in my main system. I think the current model is the C162 or the C160, which should also do what you need.
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Viridian makes a terrific suggestion. . .especially if you're looking for a more flexible future upgrade path. And I'm right there with him on the tube thinking!
I also agree with the Belari. I had one some time ago, and while it wasn't right for me, I think it's an excellent solution for you situation. The only suggestion is if you go that way, make sure your cartridge has adequate output voltage and/or you have fairly sensitive headphones. The Belari is a little short on gain. If your cartridge output is near 5 mV or higher you should be fine.