Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?

Hi folks, I wonder if the Linn LP-12 is still competitive with the best offerings from Avid, VPI, TW Acoustics, Teres, Galibier and Transrotor. If that is the case, then it's cheaper to go for a LP-12. What are the weak points of the LP-12? Which tt is better: the Thorens TD124 or Linn LP-12?

That said, I believe that a used, recent vintage LP12 is a tremendous value.
Yes, you are right, but I think it depends on the view.
For example:
I'LL go out and screw 4 little pieces of wood to a box.
Price about 10$. Then I paint it, look for some NASA (or whatever) stories, go out and offer it for 1000$....
After finding endless fans who think that is a really top product some will sell it because they want something different, the price will drop a little bit, let's say: 50%less and everyone says "Wow, super, I go for it, it is so cheap now"
That's business :)
Dazzdax, the phrases,the jokes and 'amissinterpretation'.
I think that the first precondition for the 'honest
laughter' is the ability to laugh about ourselfs.
I even think that this has something to do with empahty.
There is a famous and hilarius phrase from UK:
'Dont mention the war!' (to the German tourist).
My empahty is the reason that I avoided to MENTION
the tonearm base-plate ,the (3) amazing screws (II war stock?) and the so-called 'theory behind' the 'construction'
But every time (as I reccol) that I approched the arm-
lift my heart sank so I got the arythmia added to my
Everything I have desribed is my own experience.I.e I sayd
nothing about 'the other' So am I allowed to do so?
BTW your joke(?) about (hi-fi Pope) Pearson is 'above'
my English and my comprehension. Sorry.

Nandric, it was tongue in cheek regarding Harry (Pearson). You mentioned the fact that you have been kneeling in front of the LP-12 so often you developed a hernia. Well Harry is in fact quite a tall person, but as a joke I called him "small" (I meant in fact "short" in stature) so you need to kneel down when talking to him. Do you get the joke now? Btw (disclaimer), this has nothing to do with the LP-12!

May I use that word, tragicomical? That's a really good word that should be officially allowed into the English lexicon, don't you think? ;)
Mosin, I am not sure about your intentions but I fear
the worst. It is a very naive presupposition that a
'lexicon' is a kind of authority in linguistic matter.
I am more familiar with linguistic theorys then analog
tools (logical: Frege,Wittgenstein,Tarsky,Quine,etc;
Audiogon-forum is a international 'institution' so you
can't expect that everyone is fluently in English.
The most I have learned from this forum is from Raul and
even I can 'discover' grammatical errors in his text.
BTW Do you realy think that Einstein,Godel,Tarsky,Carnap,
etc. speak fluently English?
If so then I have pity with you.