Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?

Hi folks, I wonder if the Linn LP-12 is still competitive with the best offerings from Avid, VPI, TW Acoustics, Teres, Galibier and Transrotor. If that is the case, then it's cheaper to go for a LP-12. What are the weak points of the LP-12? Which tt is better: the Thorens TD124 or Linn LP-12?

I think Linn is predictably trying to play it both ways with their expensive upgrades.

1) Their tables are a well established reference standard, for better or for worse, for many, so they keep it unchanged and market that. Who can blame a company for keeping their flagship product around?

2) There's lots of money to be made selling upgrades to the long time reference standard as well, so they gladly do that as well.

Nothing strange here that I see.
Schipo, give it rest already.

Lrsky, your stories are wonderful -- keep them coming! I wish there was a way to create a thread for you, which didn't allow comments, which you could add to whenever you like.
Drubin: As long as there is a forum here on the Gon for me and others to speak, we shall speak as we wish. Also as I see it Lrsky is saying the same as I about Linn.
I don't have an issue with the discussion of Linn's marketing practices, What I was referring to was your seeming insistence that we all concede that you are right, that Linn is not the best.
Drubin:What makes you think that I was trying to convince you? I read your postings, and you were saying the same as I.