Revelation tonearm cable - users

Has anyone tried the Revelation Paradise Cryo-Silver™ Reference Phono/Tone Arm Interconnect cable ? I was thinking of purchasing one and would like to know how it compares to other high end tonearm cables. I have not been able to find much info on it.
Used or not you're throwing your money away. Listen to the advice already provided.
I am using the Revelation Audio cable in my Helikon/Phantom/Oracle Delphi MKV/ARC PH2 setup. In my system a fully broken-in Revelation tonearm cable is superior to the Graham IC-70 in virtually all performance categories. It is especially more robust and fuller in the mid-range compared to the IC-70. Additionally, it has a lower noise background and allows more detail retrieval. As usual, my caveat is that cable preferences are system and personal preference dependent

Try this link to see some comments by Dr. Splaskin re the Revelation cable:
Thanks GMorris i had already read that forum and that is what peaked my interest in the cables. I was just hoping to find more good reviews on this cable than just one.

I am very happy with the cable. Most of the persons with negative statements may not have actually auditioned the cable in their systems. The bad rap on the company in terms of customer service is not shared by me based on my own personal experience. But in terms of performance, it is an excellent cable. At $400/used it is a very good deal for a cable that if it were sold by a "Name" company would probably go for at least $1500.