I have built a number of sand box type shelves for various systems over the years. I do think they can sound good and are a good approach for DIY. I built a very nice set of amp stands that looked great and sat under a set of tube BAT VK150SE monoblocks I had. I also had another system that had a set of Pass Aleph 2 monos. I had a set of stands I had built for the Aleph 2s that was a box but instead of sand I used a small inner tube under the top platform. After getting some Grand Prix Audio amps stands for my BAT amps (which by the way were hugely better than the sandboxes) I decided to try the sand box stands under my Aleph 2s since they looked better. I hooked them up and man something was wrong the sound just wasn't that good at all. I didn't even think about the stands, but I just new some magic was definitely MIA. Well finally I switched back to the inner tube the sound came back.
So the verdict that I have came to is that you never know. I know for a fact that isolation can make or break a system, so for any reasonably good system I don't mess around with homemade sand boxes
If you can someway find yourself a vibraplane that is a huge upgrade for a turntable or any component for that matter.
So the verdict that I have came to is that you never know. I know for a fact that isolation can make or break a system, so for any reasonably good system I don't mess around with homemade sand boxes
If you can someway find yourself a vibraplane that is a huge upgrade for a turntable or any component for that matter.