Audio Desk Record Cleaner

Does anyone have info or experience with their new Ultrasonic Vinyl Cleaning System. I believe it retails for $3500. Don
JWM, seems to me, you can tell that the transducer is working based on the physical and audible improvements after cleaning.

After listening to a few noisy albums at your house before cleaning, then hearing them after cleaning, everyone in the room agreed, there was a HUGE improvement. Not only that, the albums looked so shiny and squeaky clean!

My only concern, after washing several dirty albums, seems like the water in the holding tank would get pretty nasty, contaminating future albums being cleaned. I guess there's supposed to be a filter inside but I'd like to see more info on how it works and how effective it is.

Later Bro
I top it off with distilled water alone on the theory that the cleaner concentrate is not supersensitive to the precise amount of distilled water in the tank.
Not to downgrade your fluid mixture at all, Pepsi admits that Aquafina is just filtered tap water.
Isochronism, yes, it is filtered, it is the filtering process that is important. When I was a grad student we made our own lab water with a very nice filter system. Started out with tap water. Could be toilet water for that matter as long as one filters it properly.
Look at the solids ppm content of aquafina. It is perfectly appropriate for this application. You will be inducing more filth onto your record as it passes through the air from the cleaner to the sleeve. I thought about using some audiophile approved reagent water and then I did the math...someday I may try it just for kicks.